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The "Anything Goes" Futurama Round Robin

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2004 1:28 am
by gkscotty
You saw the title.
Please discuss stuff in the discussion thread. The only rule is to be mindful of what other authors may or may not want to write about, re: crossovers and original characters.


It was a scene you've seen before. Unless you don't watch the show of course. Most of the Planet Express staff (except Zoidberg, who was still sucking a rock that tasted of sea water for breakfast) sitting around the big table. Just waiting for their cue...

Which came a moment later when the Professor entered with a large crate and said "Good news everyone!"

Re:The "Anything Goes" Futurama Round Robin

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:56 pm
by c_nordlander
"Well, this is up for a nice start", Leela muttered.

The crate was dumped on the table. Fry fancied he heard a faint, very faint, ticking from inside.

"This should be a simple delivery", the Professor went on. "This mystery package should be delivered to the DOOP headquarters here in New New York. I believe Hermes has more in-depth instructions."

"Ahem." Hermes stood up, glancing over an electronic notepad. "The package is to be delivered to a mon known only as Deep Cowl, who should be on de premises. He will take care of it. Also, it is very important dat you deliver it within two hours."

"Sounds like we've got no time to lose", Leela said, getting up. "Let's get crackin'."

"I don't know", Fry muttered, leaning back in his chair. "It's more fun waiting till the last minute, and then you'll have to run."